Hebron Governor inspects the Public Prosecution Office in the north of the governorate


HEBRON-Ma’an- Hebron Governor Khaled Dudin visited the Public Prosecution Office and the Peace and Settlement Courts in Halhul city on Thursday, accompanied by Secretary of the Fatah Movement in the North Hebron Region Hani Jaara, and Director of Health in North Hebron Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shakhra. He met with the heads of the prosecution, Fuad Al-Awawdeh and Malek Al-Wahidi, and the judge of the North Hebron Court, Anas Al-Atrash.

Governor Dudin stressed the importance of the role of the Public Prosecution and the Peace and Settlement Courts in implementing the rule of law, and praised the efforts made by these institutions in preserving citizens’ rights, stressing the complementary relationship between the governorate, the Public Prosecution and the courts in serving citizens and preserving civil peace.

In turn, Al-Atrash and Al-Awawdeh thanked the governor for this visit, which expresses his diligent follow-up to serve citizens, implement the law, and maintain civil peace. Al-Awawdeh provided an explanation of
the nature of the work of the Public Prosecution, and what it does through its various departments to implement the law and the procedures it follows in following up cases professionally, to achieve justice.

Source: Maan News Agency