MP Fouad Makhzoumi commented today via the ‘X’ platform on the “new crisis added to Lebanon’s multiple crises”, in regards to “the EASA and ICAO report classifying Rafic Hariri International Airport as below acceptable and warning of danger to the safety of travelers,” saying: “What happened is a disgrace and a new scandal caused by the ruling class and its successive policies in failing to appoint qualified and experienced personnel and in the management of this vital and basic facility, which must be independent of the management and supervision of the regulating body of the Directorate of Civil Aviation…” He added: “It is also necessary to increase the number of air traffic controllers, which is currently considered insufficient due to sectarian considerations….Why weren’t corrective steps and measures taken in accordance with relevant international standards in order to avoid falling into this situation, bearing in mind that the caretaker prime minister must explain to the public opinion what steps he will adopt following this published report and what about his government’s emergency plan to solve this type of crisis related to national and personal security and threatening the lives of thousands of citizens..?” Makhzoumi concluded by warning that “if the matter is not remedied, we may be facing a new catastrophe with unimaginable consequences and repercussions difficult to contain!”
Source: National News Agency – Lebanon