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The Extraordinary Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to consider the continuing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, held at the headquarters of the OIC General Secretariat in Jeddah on March 05, 2024, at the request of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Islamic Republic of Iran,

Affirming the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter,

Asserting all the resolutions adopted by the OIC regarding the issue of Palestine and the Holy City of Al-Quds, the most recent of which is the Extraordinary Joint Arab and Islamic Summit to consider the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, which was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on November 11, 2023,

Reaffirming the centrality of the Palestinian issue to the entire Islamic Ummah and supporting the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, most notably their right to self-determination and the return of Palestinian re
fugees, their right to independence, and the establishment of the independent and sovereign State of Palestine along the lines of June 04, 1967, with its capital, Al-Quds Ash-Sharif, as well as their legitimate right to self-defense to confront the Israeli aggression targeting their lives, sanctities, and property,

Given the continuation of the unprecedented barbaric aggression in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, specifically in the Gaza Strip, which has so far led to the martyrdom of more than 30,400 martyrs, 70% of whom are women and children, including 8,000 women, 126500 children and more than 71500 injured and the forced displacement of more than a million and a half Palestinians from their homes.

1. Emphasizes its strong condemnation of the unprecedented comprehensive barbaric aggression against civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip and the entire Occupied Palestinian Territory, including killing, bombing, and deliberate destruction, and the commission of atrocities against them, including the crime
of genocide and its absolute rejection of targeting civilians under any pretext and forcibly displacing them from their homes, and their lands starving and thirsting them, and depriving them of safe access to humanitarian aid, in violation of all international norms and laws, and the most basic humanitarian principles and values: targeting civilians seeking to access basic aid arriving Gaza Strip and killing them in a despicable barbaric manner; calls on states and international organizations concerned to condemn this ignoble crime, conduct investigations into them and hold their criminal perpetrators accountable; Holds Israel, the occupying power, fully responsible for the fate of civilians in the Gaza Strip and the ongoing genocide they are subjected to with all forms of weapons under bombardment, siege, and starvation, without electricity, food, or clean water, forcing them to abandon their homes

2. Calls for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and cessation of the all-out aggression against the Pale
stinian people in the Gaza Strip, the provision of unimpeded and adequate humanitarian, medical, and relief aid, the provision of water and electricity, and the opening of humanitarian corridors to deliver urgent aid to the Gaza Strip, warns of the danger of continuing the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing, including starvation, deprivation of water, and preventing the arrival of fuel, which has led to an absolute disaster for all health and humanitarian sectors, and affirms its categorical rejection and confrontation by all means of any attempt to displace, expel, or forcibly transfer the Palestinian people from their land.

3. Calls on Member States to dispatch humanitarian assistance to the entire Gaza Strip, in cooperation and coordination with international organizations, especially with the advent of the month of Ramadan, pursuant to the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice in its ruling of 26 January 2024.Calls on Member States to take immediate measures to require th
e international community to put pressure on Israel, the occupation authority, to work towards unconditional and unrestricted entry of all humanitarian aids and needs to the Gaza Strip in an immediate and sustainable manner and to participate in supporting these actions by all Member States.

4. Urgently calls on the OIC Member States to take all necessary steps at all levels to stop and confront the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people, hold its perpetrators accountable, and provide all forms of financial support and humanitarian relief to break the siege imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip for more than 16 years.

5. Appreciates the contribution by some Member States and the General Secretariat for their contributions to the International Court of Justice regarding the advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, based on the request of
the United Nations General Assembly; appreciates the physical presence of H.E. the Secretary-General and his address to the Court alongside the OIC legal team during the oral pleadings at the Court on 19 – 26 February 2024.

6. Welcomes the temporary measures ordered by the International Court of Justice and emphasizes the immediate implementation of these measures to prevent Israel, the occupying power, from continuing further acts of genocide against the Palestinian people, thanks South Africa for filing a complaint with the Court, and urges all countries to declare intervention in that case and the need to continue political and legal efforts for a complete and comprehensive cessation of the crime of brutal Israeli military aggression, and all acts of genocide, including killing, displacement, and destruction, committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, aimed at seeking accountability for the violations of international law committed by t
he occupying power, as well as remedy and reparation for the Palestinian civilian population;

7. Warns all states participating directly or indirectly in committing genocide against the Palestinian people and considers direct partners in this despicable crimes. Welcomes in this regard the steps taken by the Republic of Nicaragua at the International Court of Justice.

8. Calls on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to assume their responsibilities under the joint article I of the Geneva Convention and to take all necessary measures to respect international humanitarian law main rules and principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution in the occupied Palestinian Territory, to deter the grave violations committed by the colonial occupation authorities against civilian Palestinians, to refrain from contributing to them, and to hold the perpetrators of the violations accountable by convening a meeting of the Sates parties as soon as possible.

9. Condemns in the strongest term
s the non-compliance by Israel, the occupation authority, with the provisional measures ruled by the International Court of Justice; calls on all Member States of the United Nations, in particular States Parties to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide to assume their legal responsibilities and to take practical measures to stop the Israeli occupation’s violation of the Convention, including by imposing sanctions on it and not to participate or assist in these violations, or incite to them in any way. Stresses the responsibility of all states to comply fully with the precautionary measures ordered by the International Court of Justice in the case submitted by South Africa relating to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and implementing its provisions in the Gaza Strip and to follow up their relevant responsibilities

10. Deplores the positions of some countries that claim to respect human rights while continuing to support the ongoing bru
tal aggression against the defenseless Palestinian people and granting impunity to Israel, in violation of the rules of international law including justifying the aggression and imposing sanctions on the Palestinian people and their institutions, which will lead to an expansion of the circle of violence and destruction, and demands all countries to assume their responsibilities in providing unimpeded and adequate humanitarian aid and adopt positions consistent with international law and the purposes and objectives of the UN Charter, and not take any positions that deal racistly with the Palestinian victims and apply a policy of double standards towards them.

11. Commends the historic initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General, in accordance with Article 99 of the United Nations Charter on 6 December 2023 by drawing the attention of the Security Council to the urgent need for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and to assume its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and ap
plauds in this regard the outstanding role played the United Nations organizations operating in the occupied Palestinian Territory, specifically in the Gaza Strip, and provide support for them.

12. Calls on the United Nations Secretary-General to list the Israeli occupation army in the appendix of the UN Secretary-General’s annual report on Children and Armed Conflict for parties that commit grave violations against children because of deliberate targeting of Palestinian children, including killing, injuring, arresting, kidnapping, torturing the children and targeting their schools and hospitals, and preventing safe corridors for humanitarian assistance, which falls under the six grave violations necessitating listing, for grave violations of relevant Security Council resolutions and for the reports issued by the monitoring mechanisms containing and reporting shocking information in this regard, mandates the OIC Group in New York to strive towards realizing this in cooperation and coordination with the Gener
al Secretariat, including by sending letters to the United Nations Secretary-General in this regard.

13. Calls on Member States to take practical steps to stop immediately the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, deliver humanitarian aid and lift the blockade on Palestine, and requests states to take the necessary measures to prevent Israel, the occupying power, from continuing its crimes against the Palestinian people and to take practical steps to stop its flagrant violations of international law, including by imposing sanctions, and stopping the export of weapons and ammunition, which its army uses to carry out the crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip in addition to crimes committed by terrorist settlers in killing and destroying properties in the West Bank, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and preventing the use of its ports and airspace to transport these weapons and ammunition.

14. Warns against the escalation of attacks by the Israeli occupation army and the terrorism of the settlers militia
s supported by weapons and protection from the occupation forces in Al-Quds Ash-Sharif and the West Bank in their continuing aggression against the civilian population and their property, including killing, destroying, displacing, building and expanding settlements, within the framework of its frenzied colonial campaign aimed at annexing the Occupied Palestinian Territory and stresses the need to take the necessary steps to hold settlers accountable for their crimes, including imposition of trade and visa sanctions.

15. Calls on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to expedite the criminal investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by officials of the Israeli colonial occupation government against the defenseless Palestinian people and to bring the criminals to international justice, extends its thanks to (South Africa, Comoros, Djibouti, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Chile, and Mexico) for referring the situation in the States of Palestine to the International
Criminal Court, calls on the Member States, which are members in the International Criminal Court, to refer crimes committed in Palestine to the Court as soon as possible, and also calls on the Member States to provide political, technical, and financial support for the State of Palestine in these matters, including supporting the approach to universal jurisdiction to address the crimes of the occupation and hold it accountable.

16. Emphasizes the importance of supporting legal monitoring and media units in the implementation of the resolutions of the recent Joint Arab and Islamic Summit and including the two units within the budget of the General Secretariat to exercise its duties in monitoring all violations of international humanitarian law committed by Israel, the occupying power, as soon as possible, as it will be an essential source in supporting the legal actions to be taken by the State of Palestine.

17. Calls on the legal observatory in the OIC General Secretariat to explore all legal means to sue
the Israeli occupation state and to bring perpetrators of war crimes and war against humanity and grave violation of human rights at all courts and relevant international institutions and specialized courts of jurisdiction, to look into these crimes and take practical steps to study the establishment of a sanction system in the General Secretariat against individuals and Israeli settlers and to submit comprehensive report and recommendations to the next session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Yaounde.

18. Takes note with appreciation the Extraordinary Session of Islamic Conference of Information Ministers of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, under the theme “The Israeli Occupying Authorities Disinformation and Hostilities against Journalists and Media Outlets in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” which was held in Istanbul, Trkiye, on 24 February 2024 and request the implementation of the Final Communiqué by the Member States.” Commends the outcomes of the international fo
rum organized by the Union of OIC News Agencies “UNA” titled: “The Role of Media in Inciting Hatred and Violence – Risks of Misinformation and Bias,” held in Jeddah on 26 November 2024, in cooperation with the Muslim World League, with the participation of all official news agencies in the OIC Member States, several international news media as well as intellectual and religious institutions, which included a special theme on “Bias and Misinformation in the International Media: the Cause of Palestine as Case Study” and sought to highlight and challenge the bias against the cause of Palestine in certain western media preventing exposure of the violations of the Israeli occupation and disabling the Palestinian people from obtaining their legitimate rights.

19. Calls on the Security Council to assume its responsibilities in accordance with the United Nations Charter by taking all urgent measures to ensure the cessation of the brutal and barbaric aggression against the Palestinian people, specifically in the Gaza
Strip and the entire Palestinian territory, and to allow unimpeded and adequate delivery of humanitarian aid and provide international protection for defenseless Palestinian civilians, and to stop the humanitarian catastrophe carried out by the Israeli war and destruction machine, to avoid further erosion of international community’s faith in rules based international system and condemns the repeated use of the veto by the United States to prevent a Security Council resolution in this regard.

20. Affirms the centrality of full implementation of Security Council resolution 2720 and the need for the United Nations Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance Affairs and Reconstruction of the Gaza Strip to assume her responsibility in strict implementation of the Security Council resolution and to establish a mechanism in the Gaza Strip to facilitate delivery of humanitarian assistance and avoid Israeli obstructions, in cooperation and coordination with United Nations institutions operating in the Strip, particularl
y UNRWA, in order to allow immediate flow of humanitarian assistance through all border crossings between Israel and the Strip, while placing responsibilities on Israel as the occupation authority.

21. Asserts the need to form a practical and effective mechanism to protect the Palestinian civilians in implementation of the resolutions of the Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly on the protection of the Palestinian people, including Resolution 904 (1994), and the United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES-10/21, dated 27 October 2023, and the report of the UN Secretary-General in this regard, and calls on the High Contracting States Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to assume their responsibilities and ensure respect and enforcement of the Convention in the territory of the occupied State of Palestine, including East Al-Quds, by stopping Israeli violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

22. Condemns and rejects all plans and policies draw
n up or pursued by the Israeli occupation government, which is based on continuing and expanding Israel’s colonization of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, dismantling its geographical unity, turning it into ghettos, displacing its people, and isolating the Gaza Strip from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in apparent defiance of the international position, based on a political solution that ends the colonial occupation of the State of Palestine and United Nations resolutions, international law, and signed agreements and emphasizes working with the UN Member States, specifically in the Security Council, to issue a clear position that rejects these destructive plans and policies and their elements, and establishes a political path and a clear law that establishes serious and irreversible steps that lead to achieving a solution based on international legitimacy, confronts the procedures and policies that move away from it, and enables the embodiment of the two-state solution, while calling for I
srael’s membership in international organizations, particularly the United Nations, to be suspended.

23. Condemns the crime of enforced disappearance committed by the occupation forces since the beginning of the current aggression against thousands of Palestinian citizens in the West Bank and occupied Al-Quds, specifically in the Gaza Strip, including women, children, and the elderly, in addition to the execution, abuse, oppression, torture, and humiliating and degrading treatment to which they are subjected, and calls on the Member states to put pressure on the occupation authorities to reveal the fate of the kidnapped Palestinians, work to release them immediately, ensure protection for them, and demand an independent and transparent investigation into this crime, including the policy of executing Palestinian detainees in the Israeli occupation’s prisons and the repressive and inhumane measures against Palestinian prisoner, condemns in this regard the mass arrest campaigns being conducted by the occupation

24. Calls on Member States to work within the framework of the Human Rights Council on holding the Israeli occupation accountable for its grave and ongoing violations of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and for its rejection to abide by and respect international humanitarian law and international human rights law, mandates ambassadors of the OIC Group to adopt draft resolution that will contribute to achieving that.

25. Reiterates its call to the Member States to support efforts aimed at expanding recognition of the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations as an essential step towards the realization of the two-state solution on the pre-1967 borders, and calls on countries that have not recognized the State of Palestine to do so as soon as possible. Salutes the efforts of the OIC Group in New York exemplified in drafting a document to collect Sates’ support for attainment of full membership and submitting the document to the Secretary-General, the Security Cou
ncil and the General Assembly, calls for support for this Palestinian move at the highest level, mandates the OIC Group to convene a meeting of the General Assembly on recognition of the State of Palestine and to submit a draft resolution at the meeting on recognition of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations.

26. Rejects any prejudice to the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA), including canceling its mandate, and denounces all pressures and blackmail to which the agency is exposed in light of the tragic conditions in the Gaza Strip and the scarcity of resources and aid, including the ongoing incitement campaign practiced by the Israeli occupation government against UNRWA and its desire in liquidating its existence, condemns the suspension by some countries of their financial support to the UNRWA and demands that it immediately revert their position and increase their financial support; stresses the continuation of supporting the UNRWA role until the plight of t
he Palestinian refugees ends according to a just and comprehensive solution that guarantees the right to return to their homes from which they were displaced and the restoration of their property in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy, and in the manner stipulated in United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 194 of December 11, 1984, and in this regard affirms the permanent responsibility of the United Nations towards the Palestinian issue in all its aspects, including the issue of Palestinian refugees, and the centrality of the continued work of the UNRWA in alleviating the plight of Palestinian refugees and assistance in providing regional stability and vital services to approximately 5.5 million Palestinian refugees. It also urgently calls on the Member States to make their contributions to sustainable funding and provide financial resources to the UNRWA, and in this regard, appreciates the efforts of Member States that have contributed to mobilizing resources to support UNRWA
so that it can continue its missions and responsibilities, and the role played by Arab countries hosting Palestinian refugees.

27. Calls for activating the Islamic Financial Safety Net in accordance with the resolution of the 14th Islamic Summit Conference in order to provide financial contributions, economic and humanitarian support to Government of the State of Palestine and to UNRWA and stresses the need to mobilize international partners to reconstruct Gaza and mitigate the impact of mass destruction resulting from the Israeli aggression.

28. Appreciates the efforts of the Islamic Group within the UN Security Council, specifically the distinguished efforts of the United Arab Emirates and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the current member in the Security Council, to stop the Israeli barbaric aggression against the Palestinian people and to assume its legal responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security; and calls upon them to pursue the efforts in this regard with a view to
adopting a resolution halting Israel’s criminal war against the Palestinian people and delivering assistance to them and holding Israel, the occupying Power, accountable for its crimes.

29. Condemns Israeli attacks on Muslim and Christian holy sites and Israel’s illegal measures violating freedom of worship; underline the need to respect the existing legal and historical status in the holy places, that the entire 144,000 square meters of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque/ Al-Quds Haram Al-Sharif is the exclusive place of worship Muslims, and that the Jordanian management of Al-Quds Waqfs and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque affairs is the exclusive legal entity with jurisdiction to manage, maintain and organize entry to the Mosque, under the historical Hashemite custodianship of Muslim and Christian holy sites in Al-Quds. Support the role and efforts of the chairmanship of the Al-Quds Committee in challenging the practices of the occupation authorities in the holy city.

30. Condemns the decisions of the Israeli occupati
on to increase settlements and prevent those below 60 years to enter and pray in the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque. Mandates the media observatory at the OIC to highlight that in the media.

31. Condemns the invalid decisions of the Israeli occupation authorities to reject any recognition by the international community for the establishment of a Palestinian state; affirms that such decisions are flagrant violation of the will of the international community and contrary to all international conventions and resolutions that provide for the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and independence on its sovereign independent territory on the lines of 4 June 1967. It demonstrates once again that the Israeli parties do not wish to achieve peace based on justice and international law which is the way adopted by Islamic countries. Emphasizes that reaching this tragedy is an inevitable result of neglecting to deal seriously with the Palestinian issue and being content with managing the situation in Palestine w
ithout working on a comprehensive and just settlement that guarantees the removal of the injustice that the Palestinian people have been suffering from over many decades.

32. Renews its support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), the legal and only representative of the Palestinian people, and expresses its support for the efforts of President Mahmoud Abbas in achieving Palestinian unity under the Palestine Liberation Organisation as an important step to achieving the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for freedom, independence and materialization of their national rights.

33. Condemns ongoing Israeli military attacks on southern Lebanon which has caused the martyrdom of children, women, the aged, journalists and emergency responders, and the targeting of the Lebanese army locations deep inside the Lebanese territory, including agricultural lands using the internationally banned white phosphorus, amid Israeli threats to return Lebanon to the “Stone Age”, and the need to exert inte
rnational pressure to curb Israel’s declared intention to launch large scale war against Lebanon; and to compel Israel to end its occupation of the Lebanese territories in the Shebaa Farms, Kfar Shuba Hills and Al-Mari Town; to withdraw behind the internationally recognized borders and stop violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty by land, air and sea.

34. Affirms that peace, security, and stability in the region can only be achieved by ending the Israeli colonial occupation and all its illegal policies and criminal practices against the Palestinian people and calls on all countries and international institutions to take practical steps that lead to empowering the Palestinian people with their inalienable rights, specifically their right to self-determination, independence, and return, on the basis of international law and international legitimacy resolutions, and to confront all steps that undermine these rights and work earnestly to end them, starting with holding the occupation accountable for the crimes it com
mits against the Palestinian people and putting into effect the two-state solution with serious and irreversible steps, and in this regard calls for holding an international peace conference that establishes an end to the occupation, implements United Nations resolutions, and achieves peace based on justice and law.

35. Calls for holding an international peace conference that will bring an end to Israel`s prolonged occupation, implements the United Nations resolutions, and achieves peace based on justice and law, and acknowledges in this context the need for a guarantee mechanism to ensure that a final settlement is reached,

36. Commends the tireless efforts by the Foreign Ministers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as Chair of the Arab Summit (32) and the Islamic Summit, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Trkiye, Indonesia and Nigeria on behalf of all Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League aimed at ending Israel´s genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza and pres
sing for ending the prolonged colonial Israeli occupation of the State of Palestine and realizing the two-state solution, thus achieving lasting and comprehensive peace in accordance with international law and United Nations Resolutions, calls on them to continue their efforts in this regard to stop the barbaric aggression against the Palestinian people, end the reasons that lead to its continuation, and put into practice a clear path to empower the Palestinian people with their rights, including ending the colonial occupation and the independence of the State of Palestine.

37. Extends the highest expressions of thanks and appreciation to the peace-loving peoples and countries that stand with the just struggle of the Palestinian people to achieve freedom and independence and calls on them to continue their efforts until the Palestinian people are empowered with their inalienable rights, most notably their right to self-determination and independence., in this regard, appreciates the pivotal role played by th
e Arab Republic of Egypt in confronting the consequences of the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza Supports its efforts to bring humanitarian, relief, and medical aid into the Strip, in addition to ensuring the evacuation of foreign nationals and dual nationals, in addition to providing medical care for the injured. It also supports the efforts of both the Arab Republic and the State of Qatar in mediating between the parties to reach a ceasefire deal to spare the blood of civilians in the Gaza Strip.

38. Calls on the Islamic groups in capitals and international organizations to take immediate action to convey the OIC position to the capitals of world countries and to work with the necessary speed to condemn and stop the aggression and to ensure the provision of necessary humanitarian supplies to the Palestinian people. It also calls on the General Secretariat to follow up on the implementation of this resolution.

39. Assigns the OIC Secretary-General to communicate with the five permanent members of the Secu
rity Council / the Secretary-General of the United Nations / the High Commissioner for Human Rights / the President of the European Union and to continue coordination with regional and international organizations, including the League of Arab States, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the African Union, and the Non-Aligned Movement, to take the necessary steps to compel Israel, the occupying power, to stop the ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip and to bring in aid.

40. Assigns The Secretary-General to follow up on the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the next meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon