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Qatar University (QU) Qatar Pharmacy Undergraduate Society (QPhUS) and the standing committee on public health in Qatar Medical Students’ Association (SCOPH-Qatar) collaborated to shed the light on tuberculosis disease enlightening the tuberculosis day.

The campaign had two parts, the first included posting infographics on social media to educate the public about tuberculosis signs and symptoms and how to avoid it. The second part targeted the medical and pharmacy students from Qatar and the Eastern Mediterranean Region to compete together in solving some tuberculosis cases under the title of “The Clock is Ticking- STOP TB! A case challenge”.

For the challenge, pharmacy and medical students were grouped into three groups, each group had three medical students and three pharmacy students from Qatar, Uganda, Algeria, Tunisia, Palestine, Egypt, and Iran. The students were given two weeks to solve the cases that were addressing different scenarios and complexities of tuberculosis disease. After the submission, a team of judges including a clinical pharmacist and some clinicians from practice assessed the cases and provided a score for each team along with feedback for them.

The winning team then was announced through social media and included from Qatar Latifa AlKhayyat and Moumena Haddad from the college of pharmacy in Qatar University and Sara Omar a medical student from Weill Cornell Medicine Qatar (WCM-Q). In addition to Layla Jahlash pharmacy student from Palestine, Shamsuddeen Aliyu medical student from Uganda, and Nazim Boughadi medical student from Algeria.

Commenting on this competition QPhUS President, Hend Al-Naimi and College of Pharmacy student said “Although the competition was online, it was exciting to see all the teamwork spirit and how groups of pharmacy and medical students came together around the region to come up with a holistic care plan.

Fardous Abbasher, College of Medicine student and SCOPH_QMSA National public health officer added SCOPH QMSA-Qatar is more than delighted to have had the chance to partner with QPhUS to shed light on such an important topic. Providing an opportunity for the medical and pharmacy students to integrate and collaborate promotes the interdependency and teamwork of healthcare students and future professionals. It also celebrates one of SCOPH’s main pillars: inter-professionalism. We look forward to more opportunities to share with our student bodies!

Moumena Haddad final year pharmacy students from the winning team commented “I was glad to participate in such competition that discussed the management of the most prevalent communicable disease. Creating health care plans for TB patients with health students from different countries was enjoyable and informative in a way that enriched our knowledge through further search and digging into the topic”.