Telegram, the instant messaging platform, has unveiled several new features in its web version to commemorate the app’s tenth anniversary.
The “Telegram Web” version operates directly through web browsers on various devices without the need for downloading or installing the application.
Version A of Telegram Web includes a range of new features, with the highlight being the “Stories” feature, this allows users to share photos and videos with their contacts for a brief period, accompanied by various sharing options, diverse editing tools, and the option to permanently save stories in the profile.
Telegram recently extended the Stories feature to all of its users, after initially making it available only to subscribers of the “Telegram Premium” paid version, the company improved the performance of the new version by enhancing speed, smooth loading of conversations, and reducing memory consumption, additionally, group calls were redesigned.
Users can now set specific times to mute notifications from particular conversations and learn when messages are read in groups, furthermore, Telegram introduced a new set of emojis and animated stickers.
The company also addressed issues such as scrolling interruptions and difficulties in sending messages while files are being loaded, the new version is also more compatible with iPad devices.
Source: Qatar News Agency