A representative from the Bedaya Center for Entrepreneurship, Mr. Ahmed Al Saygh, visited sections of English for Business Communication, a course offered by the Foundation Program Department of English (FPDE) at Qatar University (QU) from October 23 to 27.
The purpose of this five-day visit, the guest speaker came to inform the students majoring in business about the center’s resources and network of contacts that can help with the development of new businesses for the local Qatari market.
At the time of the visits, students were in the middle of the course’s Entrepreneurship Project, which exemplifies QU’s Excellence Theme of Entrepreneurial Education. For the project, students formed teams and were developing a small business idea. The Entrepreneurship Project is a multi-step project that requires students to learn about definitions of entrepreneurship, pitch their ideas for a business, work with a team to complete a business report, conduct research from potential customers, build a website, and then reflect on their entrepreneurial experiences throughout the project.
Though the students were still working on developing their business idea, the faculty felt it was important for students to be thinking beyond the course project and imagining themselves at the next step of their entrepreneurial journey. Mr. Al Saygh’s experience and knowledge were of tremendous value to the English for Business Communication students. He spoke for about 30-40 minutes to 11 sections of around 205 students.
The Bedaya Center is a frequent collaborator with the Foundation Program which is a program under the Deanship of General Studies. These types of collaborations are supported and encouraged by the Foundation Program’s Director, Dr. Hezam. Through collaborations with the Bedaya Center, it is the hope of the Foundation Program management that someday a student who completes the Entrepreneurship Project turns their business idea into an actual business. Regardless, all English for Business Communication students benefit from the interactions with the Bedaya Center and become more engaged with the theme of entrepreneurship and its importance to the future of Qatar.
Source: Qatar University